Prayer Shawls
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a combination of prayers and knitting (or crocheting) for the ministry to others. We strive to bring God’s love to folks in need through the comfort and warmth of our handmade shawls. We usually meet the first Wednesday evening of each month and welcome anyone that would like to help us make shawls. For more information about our Prayer Shawl Ministry or to request a shawl for someone in need of comfort or encouragement, please contact Wanda Gregg at 717-278-5571.
Prayer Ministry
St. John’s is a praying church and we would love to pray for you or your loved ones. If you have a prayer request, please contact Glenda Worst at 717-690-5444. Glenda will contact people on our prayer chain and we will all pray for your specific need.
Music Ministry
Music Ministry at St. John’s focuses on worshiping with congregational singing of both hymns and praise songs. Traditional music, with an emphasis on hymns of faith over many centuries and cultures, declares praise and affirms our faith. Organ and piano give accompaniment, preludes, offertories, postludes, and other service music. Special music from soloists is welcome anytime. St. John’s is a singing congregation, as directed by John Wesley.