Coming Soon!

40 Days of Discovery!

40 Days of Discovery is a program designed to help each participant take at least one step forward in their spiritual life, to help each person examine their priorities and goals, and to build and enhance our relationships with one another. Our 40 Days campaign is based on a book written by Pastor Rob. The book is divided into 40 daily readings and includes resources for small groups and classes. The program is custom-written and designed so that anyone can participate! People in the community are welcome and members, newcomers, and attendees are encouraged to bring friends, relatives, and neighbors to any or all of the activities.

To receive the full benefit of this life-changing program you will want to participate in each opportunity for spiritual growth:

  1. Hear all seven messages in the series,
  2. Read the 40 daily readings in A Life of Discovery – Finding Your Best Way Forward – a book by Pastor Rob. These readings will guide you in your personal journey of discovery.
  3. Join a 40 Days of Discovery small group or Sunday school class. If you are not already signed up for a particular group we’ll help you find one to be a part of or start a group.
  4. Practice the Action Steps provided in the readings and in your 40 Days of Discovery small group or class.

Will you commit these 40 days of your life to participate in a great spiritual journey? Imagine the impact on our lives, our church, and our community if the members of our church were all fully committed to living out the life of discovery that God offers to each of us! There is no better investment of your time.

The sign-up sheets for small group participation are available in our fellowship area in the church building. If you haven’t signed up yet, do so now!  These small groups may meet in someone’s home or in the church building.

A big part of the purpose of our campaign is to allow you to invite friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, co-workers, and others in the community to participate in this program. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to invite people to things, so we’re all probably a bit rusty!  But it’s time to begin anew and start out with something that will benefit everyone! 

This is a great opportunity to grow in your spiritual life AND to invite others to grow as well.  It will be a great time to begin to get back together with people in our community and social circles.  Remember that the people you invite don’t need to be members of our church or of any church – just interested in growing personally and in their relationships, as well as improving their outlook and their effectiveness in dealing with life.

Please pray daily for our campaign – that God would use us and our church to the greatest extent possible in this time of spiritual growth and fellowship.

We have scheduled our campaign to begin with our Preparation Sunday on September 12th. Then on September 19th we will have Kick-Off Sunday when our campaign begins in earnest, with small groups beginning that week.

Spiritual Growth Campaign – Days of Discovery Schedule:

September 12, Preparation Sunday – Communion – Getting the Most Out of Days of Discovery

September 19, Kickoff Sunday – Part 1: Priorities, Aspirations, Purpose (Small Groups Start)

September 26, Part 2: Dedicating, Discovering, Doing

October 3, World Communion – Part 3: Believing, Trusting, Serving

October 10, Part 4: Nurture, Commitment, Discipleship

October 17, Part 5: Self, Situation, Surroundings

October 24, Part 6: One People, One Family, One Body

October 31, Celebration Sunday – DLST Ends – Part 7: Perseverance, Faith, Hope – Celebration Sunday
Get ready to have your life changed for the better and to be blessed!