
The Missions Team at St. John’s raises funds throughout the year with the assistance of church members. They make donations monthly to community charitable organizations. The Missions Team also coordinates clothing and food collections for local charities and works with the pastor to provide emergency assistance to St. John’s parishioners. This effort focuses on our vision statement to respond to the needs of our congregation and the community.

Current Monthly Projects

January……..The Factory Ministries

During the month of January, we collect for the “The Factory Ministries.” Not only will we be collecting monetary donations, but we will also be collecting paper goods. We will have a container for these items in the coat room inside the back door. Your help is always appreciated. The Factory Ministry is in need of the following items: peanut butter, jelly, tuna, ravioli, and/or spaghetti-O’s, as well as paper products: toilet paper, napkins, paper plates, cups, and paper towels.

February……..Anchorage Lancaster at 1st UMC in Lancaster

The Anchorage Breakfast Program, housed at the First United Methodist Church in Lancaster, is now Anchor Lancaster. They serve bagged breakfast Monday through Friday from 8:30-9:45 am (during the pandemic). They also provide a facility to take a shower from 7:00-8:00 am for the people who live on the streets. If needed, the facility will open after breakfast as well. They open the Warming Center in the winter months from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Volunteers are also needed Wednesday and Thursday mornings to help clean up trash in the area. Anchorage Lancaster needs a great deal of financial support. They also need new socks and underwear for men and women, especially men. They have a wish list on Amazon. Find the link to shop for them here.

March……..Lancaster Food Hub

The Lancaster Food Hub’s core value of faith based on service is to ensure that everyone has their basic human needs met. They always are grateful for the clothing we supply to their clothing bank and the money we contribute to their mission budget. They now need donations of large boxes of mashed potatoes and pancake mix, large canisters of oatmeal, regular size cans of any variety of soup, bags of dried beans, and small containers of laundry detergent. They also need body wash and feminine hygiene products. All cash donations will help support their mission budget.

The Lancaster Food Hub also are collecting personal hygiene products to distribute to their clients. They are always looking for volunteers if anyone wishes to volunteer, they can go to their headquarters at 812 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA or call 717-291-2261. As always, the Mission Team is thankful for all your donations.


Lumina is the Latin word for light.  We believe God calls us to let our light shine.  Therefore, Lumina supports several programs in Lancaster City.  They have a Professional Clothing Bank at Otterbein UMC and also school uniforms.  They sponsor a “Kids Night” for kindergarten through 6th grade on Mondays at the New Creation UMC.  “Bright Chefs” is for 4th and 5th graders who learn about nutrition and how to make healthy meals. Also, an inner-city day camp is held at New Creation UMC in July.  By attending “Kids Night” children can earn a scholarship to Gretna Glen, which is our church camp in Lebanon County.  Thank you for your help in supporting “LUMINA”.

May……..Lancaster County Meals on Wheels

This is a volunteer organization that packs and delivers meals on weekdays to shut-ins in the Paradise area. The meals are nutritious possibly better than many who receive this service could provide for themselves. Without this important service many of our shut-ins would not be able to remain in their own homes. Any donations we can offer during this month will be greatly appreciated. For additional information see the Bulletin Board opposite the office.

June……..Clare House

The Clare House in Lancaster is a shelter for homeless women and their children, who often arrive after domestic problems. When these women come into the home, they need to bring their own toiletries and any special foods. The shelter would like to be able to give $25 Giant gift cards to these women when they arrive. Any donations for this cause will be greatly appreciated.

July……..Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a Christian organization dedicated to serving those in need.  They offer many services to our local individuals and families throughout the area.  A few of their programs are Christian education, transitional housing, meals, food nutrition programs, and after school programs for latchkey children.  They also have a Salvation Army Store at 1244 Manheim Pike that accepts donations of used furniture, clothing, etc.

August……..Lifeway for Kids

We are collecting money and soup this month as well. The soup can be Progresso or Campbells as long as they contain a protein, such as beef or chicken. How they will be distributed this year depends on the opening of school. At the end of last school term, they were packed and taken to “The Factory” to be distributed. This may be how distribution will start at the beginning of this school year. At this time, they need all the support we can give them. At times they may ask for something additional they need.

September……..Conestoga Valley Christian Community Services (CVCCS)

CVCCS is located in the Conestoga Valley (CV) School District. The CVCCS serves people who live in or attend worship within the CV school district. They have a food and clothing bank, as well as activities for students. They provide assistance for the many families within the CV district who are homeless or close to becoming homeless. To learn more about their mission and ministry, you can go to https://cvccs.org/mission/. You can see what their needs are each month, and also learn of ways to support them financially as well as by volunteering.

October……..Water Street Rescue Mission

The Water Street Mission has been restoring lives through rescue and renewal since 1905. Mainly known for providers of food and shelter for the homeless, they go beyond that to create healing communities where lives have transformed. “Being homeless is a symptom, not an identity.” People of all walks of life, career people, people with college education, people who know God, people who are still searching, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters all began their journey out of homelessness with a meal and a safe place to sleep. Besides providing food and shelter, Water Street Mission also provides health services for the working poor, early childhood education, teen programs life skills programs and spiritual care all of which impact and renew lives.


UMCOR is the United Methodist Committee of Relief. UMCOR’S the original MCOR started in 1940 by Bishop Herbert Welch in response to displaced and vulnerable people from World War II. The name was changed to UMCOR at the 1972 General Assembly. UMCOR’S work is categorized into three major areas. 1. Humanitarian Relief and/or Disaster Response; 2. Sustainable Development; and 3. Global Health. This month we are collecting money for relief for those dealing with natural disasters. With the climate change we are expecting many more areas that will need our help.

December………North Star Initiative

The North Star Initiative’s purpose is to rescue victims of Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. Young females and males are either lured, captured or kidnaped and forced into a life of prostitution or held prisoners it the estates of the wealthy to perform labor. Regardless of the situation these are human beings who are slaves in the 21st century. These victims need our help and attention. Anything we can do to support the work of the North Star Initiative is appreciated. Their monthly Prayer Request is on the Pastor’s Bulletin Board.